Thursday, March 29, 2012

Corcoran Gallery

I got to visit the  Corcoran Gallery of Art, in Washington, D.C!!  

Have you ever been to the Corcoran Gallery of Art? It's just a catty corner around the D.C elipse from the Old Executive Office Building.  It is the largest privately supported cultural institution. That means that none of our tax dollars are going toward supporting it.

 Inside you can see original art from painters like Rembrandt, Degas, Monet, Picasso, Edward Hopper, Willem de Kooning, just to name a few. Some of my favorite works were paintings from Rembrandt and Monet. They are two of my favorite masters!

The museum's mission is to be "dedicated to art and used solely for the purpose of encouraging the American genius." I love the way "the American geniqus" sounds. I think more things should be dedicated to "encouraging the American genius."

All of the art was amazing but my very favorite experience at the museum was sitting with the gigantic stone lion on 17th street.

Quack Report:

I quacked next to the lion and it definitely needed some work. The echo was horrific. I think I was a little intimidated by the lion. 

1 comment:

  1. ねえ、なぜあなたにもああ今、それは問題はそれをしない本当にしない以上だと昨夜私たちの遊びに来ませんでした。しかし用心してください。Lemurはすべてを知っています。ぽかぽかドットは黄色に見えるとき、彼らは本当に緑色ですか?ホー·ホー·ホーはとても安全な滞在とCasに来る。あなたは、午後にマフィンの濃い匂いを知っていますか?すぐに来る。
