Have you ever been to the Old Executive Office Building?? It's right next door to the White House. It's actually been renamed the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, but everyone still calls it by it's old name.
The Old Executive Office Building is 123 years old. It was build between 1871 and 1888. The building is right next to the White House, and that's where many of the staff have there offices. This is because the White House isn't big enough for everyone that works there, so a lot of the workers have there offices at the Executive Building, and can go to the White House when they need to via the tunnel that connected the two. I wish I could work there! That would be Quackers!!
Originally the building was for the State, and the War and Navy departments, but those folks quickly outgrew the building and left it vacant. Eventually, those people moved to the pentagon and the building gradually became seen as inefficient. Then, it was nearly demolished in 1957. But in 1981, the building was saved and restored. Now the Vice President and many of his staffers use this building. Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight
D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush all
had offices in the building before becoming President. I think it's an awesome building.
The Old Executive Office Building was referred to by Mark Twain as "the ugliest building
in America." Harry Truman called it "the greatest monstrosity in
America." And Henry Adams called it (the architect) Alfred B. Mullet's
“Architectural Infant Asylum.” I think the building is amazing! Not ugly at all.
Quack Report:
My quack was Duckariffic!!! It was the best echo EVER!!!!
Simon, have you heard of Avatar the Last Airbender? It's this awesome cartoon. Watch it and read the Hunger Games.