Saturday, November 26, 2011

Camp Casey-- South Korea

That's me on the soldier's hat!

My friend and me at camp.
Guess what? This week I got to visit some of my friends in the army in South Korea!! I visited some soldiers stationed at Camp Casey, the home of the Army's 2nd Infantry Division.

My friend is a platoon sergeant in a Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Field Artillery Battery. A battery is basically the same as a company but since he's field artillery it's called a battery.

I visited during Hooah training. That is when the men go into a gas chamber so they will know what it feels like to be gassed if it happens during battle.

Coming out of the gas chamber.
The soldiers let me go into the gas chamber with them--which I thought would be pretty fun. Boy was I wrong.

Being gassed is not something you would want to do. Your throat starts burning, and your eyes hurt, but I guess it's good to practice so you're ready if it really happens.

After Hooah training, my friend and I got to go and explore Camp Casey.

Me in front of the 2nd ID Statue
This is a picture of 2nd Infantry Division Native American statue just inside the main gate on post.The statue was huge!  I wish I could grow to be that big someday.  Then my quacks would be ginormous and my echo could be heard a thousand miles out. But unfortunately, I don't think it is possible for a duck to have that kind of growth spurt.

This picture is of the US and Korean flags with the 2nd Infantry Division patch in between. I thought the 3 flags all right next to each other were pretty cool. Especially because they were right in the middle of camp.

Quack Report: 

I tested out my quack right when I arrived because I wanted to quack before I went into the gas chamber. It was okay, I guess. The echo was definitely satisfying, though, my throat wasn't working quite well that day. However, the gas from the chamber played havoc with my quack for days. Too bad they don't make duck sized gas masks.


  1. North Korea next??

  2. That's my husband the cute ducky is in Korea again, he's his battle buddy.
